January Freebie | 2015 Lock Screen Wallpaper

Hello and happy new year to all of you lovely folks! I apologize for the delay in this month’s freebie… but moving across the ocean is far more in depth than I had originally anticipated! Lucky for you, the freebie is now out and made just for you to download and use for the remainder of January!

The cornflower blue + gold color combination of this month’s wallpaper is greatly inspired by popular fashion color pallets out this year. I hope you’ll enjoy the sparkly gold lettering, and the words of inspiration give you the confidence you need to achieve your goals for 2015! I know I need that extra push to make things happen for KAPD… 🙂

To get your seasonal fresh beautifully lettered lock screen wallpaper simply follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the i-device images below.
  2. Save the .png file to your computer or directly to your phone
  3. If you have saved the file to your computer you can transfer it to your phone using Drop-box or iCloud.
  4. Go into your settings -> Wallpapers & Brightness
  5. Select “Choose New Wallpaper”
  6. You can then select the image from your “Camera Roll” or “My Photo Stream”
  7. Resize in screen to whatever size you wish and hit “Set”
  8. You can then select “Set Lock Screen”
  9. Viola! All Finished!

2015 Lock Screen Wallpaper | Kirsten Ashley Photography & Design | Custom Calligraphy

Be sure to click the image above to get your free 2015 lock screen wallpaper download! I am super excited to be able to bring you something new each month and hand it to you FOR FREE! So go on, rock this year’s latest wallpaper in glittery gold delight! If you have any questions, concerns, or need help, please leave a comment or email me at kirstenashleyphotography@gmail.com.

January 2015 Lock Screen Wallpaper | Kirsten Ashley Photoraphy & Design

Until next months freebie, enjoy! Wishing all of you fabulous folks out a marvelous holiday season full of family, warmth, and blessings!






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